New Keen on Kiran Shirts!

We are overdue for new shirts showing we are Keen on Kiran! Mine have been slowly deteriorating due to multiple washes because I love wearing them!

All profits from shirt sales will go toward an accessibility need in our home, ensuring it can be as functional as possible for Kiran.

Here’s the link to our design:

As always, we appreciate your support. I mean it when I say it’s a long road ahead, but we journey together. And who isn’t Keen on Kiran 😍

Heart Stability

Kiran’s heart seems to have found a new stable – for now. His echo today showed similar pressures and pictures as the MRI and last echo six months ago.

So. We get to keep waiting and watching. Fatigue and fluid retention will be the first signs his heart function is declining further.

He got approval to move forward with his otolaryngology procedure next week.

The only change that will be a permanent one is we are starting him on a daily dose of aspirin. Studies have been done that show it helps prolong the life of the valve. Dr R mentioned he had remained skeptical for awhile and had put off a strong recommendation, but the results had him convinced and he felt it to be best protocol for kiddos with heart valves.

So, after we get through his procedure next week, we will be starting a daily dose of aspirin that will continue for life.

These are my favorite appointments. No surprises. Stable results. Assurance of what to watch for and when we will know it’s time for an intervention. Wonderful echo and ekg techs – and of course, I always appreciate chatting with Dr R.

Sticking with six month check-up protocol as well. Keeping a little closer eye on that precious heart. I’m glad it’s not time, yet.


Tonight, I gave you ice cream.

And I remembered what it was like, to create your bucket list. I didn’t know how long I would have you. And life had only taught me about loss.

So when your complex open heart surgery was scheduled, I made you a bucket list.

You were not even a year old.

I don’t remember all of it. I wanted you to be in your kiddie pool. Experience the ocean. Taste ice cream.

Ice cream. Tonight, you kept opening your mouth for another bite. But every single bite shocked you, because it’s cold. And we don’t do it often.

But tonight, we celebrate. Look at all the firsts you have had – so many more than I would even allow myself to dream about back then.

And now – I dare to dream. And you continue to amaze and exceed all expectations.

It’s a long road ahead, but we journey together. Happy sixth Heartiversary, my warrior.